Pictured: Most Worshipful Grand Master David Miller of Illinois, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Ivan A. Vrtiska, Worshipful Pepper Aasgaard, Master of Nebraska Lodge #1, and Brother John Christopher Matin, Tyler.
It's Official, Our 150th Year of Masons in Nebraska Ceremonies begun!
Our lodge delegates traveled to the Grand Lodge of Illinois to re-enacting a request for dispensation as did our forefathers 150 years ago on October 9th 2004.
Brother David Miller Most Worshipful Grand Master Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois, listened as Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Ivan A. Vrtiska, personal representative of the Grand Master of Nebraska reads our requests for dispensation written by Most Worshipful Phil A. Lorenzen PGM and signed by Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska Les Seiler.
Worshipful Pepper Aasgaard addressed the Grand Lodge of Illinois and reported the current standings of Nebraska Lodge #184, which is now Nebraska Lodge #1
"Most worshipful Grand Master Miller, members of the Grand Lodge of Illinois and visiting dignitaries, my name is Pepper Aasgaard I am the Worshipful Master of Nebraska Lodge #1, of the Grand Jurisdiction of Nebraska, AF&AM; "Illinois’ first son in Nebraska". We are most proud to report that Nebraska Lodge #184, now known as Nebraska #1, has brought in over sixty members in the past 42 months. Most of these new members are professional businessmen under the age of thirty.
I am also very proud to report that many of our new members are very active in the changes that are taking place in our lodge today. We were the first to use Public Service Broadcasts to reach out to new members. Nebraska Lodge #1 was also the first lodge to make it easy to petition and pay dues online. These new innovations have made it easier for our younger membership to find out who we are, and petition on the internet for Masonry. Of the new members we have brought in, over 60% were from the internet".
The Grand Master of Illinois was then presented a colorful booklet with the history of our lodge and was presented with a detailed copy of the original charter by Chris Marten our Tyler. You can view this Charter and our original By-Laws by going to our history pages.
Fishing, Kit Car club and a Golf Team?
Soon you will see a Masonic BASS CLUB be revived by WB Rusty Restivo and WB John Holzhey. The Tyre Bass as it was known was last active in the late 1980's. It has full sanction of our lodge and will help provide fund raisers for the Eastern Star Children's Home in Fremont, Nebraska.
John is also heading up a special committee to clean and organize the office. Our office also has a fresh new look with new carpet and a new paint job thanks to Brother Ryan Weber of Paramount Roofing!
WB Howard Speck and his son WB Cliff Speck will be involved with introducing a Kit Car Club that will help promote Masonry for all lodges.
We have a new look! New features and new ease of navigation will make your website visit more enjoyable. Many links still need to be updated and many of your old favorite files will be maintained on the website indefinably. I hope you enjoy your visit: Check out the Past Masters!